The County offers Short-Term Disability insurance for those employees working 20 or more hours per week and who are NOT enrolled in State Disability Insurance (SDI). New employees enrolled in SDI may also enroll in the basic Short Term Disability program for their first seven months on the job. After seven months, when SDI benefits become payable, the basic Short Term Disability benefits will be cancelled.
Deferred Compensation permits full-time and permanent part-time employees (working 20 or more hours per week), on a voluntary basis, to authorize a portion of salary to be withheld and invested for payment at a later date upon termination or retirement. You have two enrollment options, the Traditional 457 Plan and the Roth 457 Plan. Employees may enroll at any time during the year.
We are pleased to announce that the County of San Mateo in partnership with the San Mateo County Credit Union is providing you access to FREE financial counseling with industry leader BALANCE.
Financial classes are offered throughout the year. Topics are designed to help you improve upon healthy financial habits, financial literacy, investing/saving goals, and retirement income security. Sign-up through LMS and earn 1 hour of credit towards your LMS training goal for each session you attend!
County of San Mateo strives to ensure that your County Benefits can help you achieve and maintain your financial well-being! The Financial Wellness Benefits Flyer an easy to read tool that displays ALL County financial benefits and resources that can help you strengthen key components of your financial health.
Flexible spending accounts (FSA) allow you to set aside funds on a pre-tax basis to reimburse yourself for eligible out-of-pocket dependent care or medical expenses.
HSAs offer triple tax benefits, including tax-free1 saving, growth, and spending on qualified medical expenses anytime, from today throughout your retirement — something you can’t get from other retirement accounts.
Home Share by Hip Housing What is Home Sharing? Our Home Sharing program helps match individuals seeking housing with people who have a room to rent.
To be eligible for the County’s life insurance benefit, an employee must be a regular full-time or part-time employee (working 20 or more hours per week). The County offers two kinds of life insurance benefits administered by Standard Life Insurance:
The Life Services Toolkit can help you and your family plan for the future.
MapMyFinances is a financial planning tool to help you assess and balance your short and long-term financial needs. You do not have to be a deferred compensation participant to use this tool!
Monterra Credit Union (formerly San Mateo Credit Union) is a member-owned financial institution that currently serves more than 100,000 members who count on Monterra CU for savings and checking accounts, low-interest car loans and home mortgages, investment services, retirement planning, and more.
The PSLF program allows eligible individuals to receive forgiveness of the remaining balance of their Federal Direct Student Loans after they have made 120 qualifying monthly payments while working full time (at least 30 hours per week) for a qualifying employer.
Remotiv is a valuable benefit available to all Permanent San Mateo County and Court Employees, designed to help you achieve your retirement savings goals. By enrolling during Open Enrollment, you'll receive an annual personalized Retirement Readiness analysis report that estimates your monthly SamCera benefits, Social Security benefits, and income from Empower retirement plans. This report, which will be mailed to you each year, also includes a conflict-free suggested savings and investment strategy to improve your retirement readiness.
ScholarShare 529, is California’s state-sponsored and nationally-recognized college savings plan managed by TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc.
Travel Assistance is available through your group insurance coverage from Standard Insurance Company. The service is provided by Assist America, Inc.