If A Work Injury Occurs...

California law guarantees certain benefits to employees who are injured or become ill because of their jobs.

Any job-related injury is covered—even first-aid type injuries and work-related illnesses. The key is whether it was caused by the job. (Some injuries from voluntary, off-duty, recreational, social or athletic activity—for example, the company bowling team—may not be covered. Check with your supervisor or the claim administrator listed below if you have questions.)

Workers' Compensation Benefits Include...

  • Medical Care. All medical treatment—without a deductible or dollar limit. Costs are paid directly by the claim administrator, so you should never see a bill.

    The claim administrator will arrange medical treatment, often by a specialist for the particular injury. If you have a completed physcian pre-designation on file prior to your injury, please advice the claim administrator. 

  • Payment for Lost Wages. If you're temporarily disabled by a job injury or illness, you'll receive tax-free income until your doctor says you are able to return to work. Payments are two-thirds of your average weekly pay, up to a maximum set by state law. Payments aren't made for the first three days unless you're hospitalized as an inpatient or unable to work more than 14 days.

  • If the injury or illness results in permanent disability, additional payments will be made after recovery. If the injury results in death, benefits will be paid to surviving dependents.

In The Event Of A Work Injury...

  1. Injured employee notifies supervisor of incident.
    If this is a life or limb threatening injury immediately call 911.
  2. Supervisor & injured employee immediately call Company Nurse at 1-877-278-4041
  3. Company Nurse gathers pertinent information and guides the injured employee to appropriate care.
  4. Company Nurse will submit your claim to Athens (No workers’ compensation packet required).

If you have questions or need information about workers' compensation, contact an information and assistance officer at the state Division of Workers' Compensation (1-800-736-7401) or at the local office listed below:

455 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

The County has contracted with Athens’ Administrators, Inc. for Third Party Administration Services:

Athens Administrators, Inc.
P.O. Box 696
Concord, CA 94522



Anyone who knowingly files or assists in the filing of a false workers' compensation claim may be fined up to $50,000 and sent to prison for up to five years (Insurance Code Section 1871.4).