Every youth is given the opportunity to be a healthy, educated and successful individual who contributes to a safe and supportive community.
The Juvenile Services Division of the San Mateo County Probation Department is committed to serving the community needs for protection and safety. Through advancing the principles of balanced and restorative justice, victims are compensated and public losses restored. Innovative programs and interventions stress youth asset development, offender accountability, family stability, and social responsibility, thereby reducing the impact of crime and delinquency in the community. The Juvenile Services Division performs mandated probation functions including submitting accurate and timely reports to the Juvenile Court and the supervision and monitoring of youthful offenders in the field, as well as prevention/intervention services to youth and their families not yet under the Court’s jurisdiction.
If you have questions about a court case, contact the San Mateo County Courts.
If you want to know which Probation Officer is assigned to your case, call (650) 312-8816.