Child Abuse Hotline

(800) 632 - 4615

If a child is in immediate danger, please call 911

24 Parental Stress Hotline

1(888) 220 - 7575


Child Abuse Prevention

Leave Your Baby in Safe Arms:

If you are unable to keep or care for your newborn infant (72 hours old or younger), you can leave your baby anonymously in safe arms at any hospital emergency room or fire station in San Mateo County.

  • You do not have to answer any questions or give your name if you do not wish to.
  • No charges will be fined against you
  • Trained professionals will make sure your baby gets medical care and an adoptive home.
  • If you change your mind within 14 days, your baby will be returned to you, if you can provide a safe home.

San Mateo County guarantees that there is always a safe place to leave your newborn, 24 hours a day / seven days a week. Just tell the emergency-room nurse or firefighter that you want to leave your baby in a "Safe Haven".

For more information, call  800-632-4615

Find more information on Safe Haven and the Safely Surrendered Baby Law at

Parenting  in San Mateo County

Parenting education brochure