Domestic Violence Council Sponsors Annual Recognition
July 3, 2024
  • Nominations are now being accepted for the 2024 Barbara Hammerman Award, an annual recognition sponsored by the San Mateo County Domestic Violence Council.

    In 2005, the Domestic Violence Council established the Hammerman Award, ratified by the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County, for the purpose of recognizing outstanding law enforcement officers for their contribution and service to survivors of domestic violence and their children. In 2009 the award was expanded to include professionals who provide services to victims of domestic violence.

    The Hammerman Award was created in honor of the late Barbara Hammerman, a City of San Mateo Police Lieutenant, whose legacy of exemplary service and dedication to survivors of domestic violence serves as a model for the County’s law enforcement community. This award is presented annually to one person for exceptional service in addressing intimate partner violence.



    ·   Nominees for the Hammerman Award may be any sworn law enforcement officer or other domestic violence service professional working in San Mateo County without regard to race, color, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, or religious or political affiliation.

    ·   Individuals and organizations may submit nominations to the Domestic Violence Council via email at

    ·   The official nomination form (or photocopy) must be used.  Additional unsolicited information will not be considered.

    ·   The Selection Panel will be composed of prominent members of law enforcement, the judiciary, and the domestic violence advocacy community.

    ·   Awards may be posthumous.

    ·   Please note whether any information contained in this nomination form concerns an individual case that is currently active in the judicial system.

    ·   The award recipient will be announced in October during Domestic Violence Prevention Month.

    ·  The award will be accompanied by a $500 honorarium.

    Deadline to Submit Nomination is Monday, August 12, 2024 by end of day.
    Media Contact

    Tanya Beat

    Staff Liaison, Domestic Violence Council