Farah Yasmeen Shaikh is an international Kathak (dance of South Asian) artist, choreographer, instructor, and Founder/Artistic Director of Noorani Dance, based in Menlo Park, CA. Known for her evocative storytelling, technical precision, delicacy and grace, Farah’s unique artistic voice often addresses topics of historical and social relevance, while also maintaining the traditional elements of Kathak. A sought-after public speaker, Farah often emcee's events, gives keynote speeches, has given a TEDx talk, and hosts of her podcast, Heartistry Talk Show, Farah’s work has received support from NEA, Haas Fund, New England Foundation for the Arts, Gerbode Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, California Arts Council, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, and others. Internationally, Farah performs and teaches throughout Pakistan, spending 1-2 months there each year.

Farah Yasmeen Shaikh
Farah Yasmeen Shaikh, Vice-Chair
Commissioner for District 4