Andrea is a seasoned leader who believes passionately in the intersections of inclusivity, values-based leadership and results. She knows that empowered, diverse and equitable groups create great change in the world and as a leader in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors brings those core beliefs to her work. 

She developed a love of the arts as a young adult when she discovered that creative writing and photography helped her process the many challenges of growing up. Early in her career, she had the joy of working with children and teenagers in Albuquerque, New Mexico and San Francisco – teaching photography, creative writing and expressive arts to youth in juvenile hall and after school settings. She went on to be an advocate for the arts in under-resourced communities by raising funds for an Artists in Residence program in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood and leading a youth-serving visual arts nonprofit. 

In her most recent role as Senior Director of Bay Area Giving for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, she led the team that developed the arts program at the CZI Community Space. The partnership with Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation highlights a wide range of San Mateo County artists and brings communities together. Launched shortly after the isolation of the pandemic, the arts program has provided a powerful place of healing, connection and beauty. Andrea is excited to channel her  love for the arts and for San Mateo County in her role as a Commissioner.

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Andrea Jones
Commissioner for District 3